Salentina Ridge Playground Renewal Drop in Consultation with the Council
Sunday November 10 9:30am – 11:00am Salentina Ridge Park, Beaconsfield
GREAT NEWS! The Council is planning some upgrades to Salentina Ridge Playground. They are after our advice to help them renew the existing playground facilities at Salentina Park, and repair or replace the concrete pad, bench seating and faulty water fountain. Repairs to the damaged mosaic artwork may also be feasible as part of the renewal project, contingent on budget availability and community interest (they’ll have plenty of this!) They are after thoughts on the park layout, any issues and suggested improvements
If you can’t attend the drop in session you can still make submissions by mail, email or hard copy.
See this link for more information
The Great West Beacy Bunch Bake Off with Belinda
Sunday November 10th 3.30pm start 4pm judging 40 Moran Court
Join us on the front lawn of 40 Moran Court for afternoon tea and a cuppa. Enter your baking to become WBB’s Baking Champion. Sweet or savoury entries accepted for one adult and one kids champion. Special guest judge. BYO mug for a cuppa. Call Belinda for more info 0402357099
West Beacy Bunch Fundraiser for St Pats
Sunday Nov 16th and Sunday Nov 17th 10am – 4pm
Ecoburbia’s gardens are open for Australian Open Garden Scheme and the West Bunch will be providing a cuppa and goodies, and collecting donations for St Pats. Help is needed to make some baked goods and on the day to serve, do dishes etc. Volunteer times will be 10-12, 12- 2 and 2-4. Please contact Helen on 0448511475 if you can help out, either with some baking or on the day.
How to Make Pickled Veggies workshop with Jim and Anna
Sunday Nov 24th 10am 5 Moran Street (corner Waterford)
After tasting Jim’s chilli pickles at the Olive Decanting lunch, we convinced him to hold a session showing us how we can make them too. Come and learn the secrets to pickling any veggies – chilli, capsicum, celery, eggplant etc in the traditional Italian Way.
RSVP to Shani 0417 941 991 and she’ll pass on your details to Jim and Anna
Christmas Dinner and Carols Night
Sunday Dec 15th 5pm Salentina Ridge Park
This is one for all your family and friends! Come down to Salentina Ridge Park and enjoy a picnic and Christmas Carols. Please bring along anyone you like and show off our West Beacy Bunch community. There will be some craft activities and rumour has it Santa will be coming.
This year we will have a pot luck dinner, so please bring along something to share. You will need your own crockery, drinks and a picnic blanket
And…if there is something you would like to do as a community, please get in touch 🙂 We will be planning for 2025 at our yearly meeting in November